Peace In, Peace Out
This is the first piece of a three week series called, Do Not Fear. The big Idea of this series is this, No Matter What Your Future Holds, God is with you.
We begin this study with Jesus telling his disciples that though he is leaving, he is leaving peace with them. This peace is not like the world’s peace and he instructs them not to be afraid.
We live in a fearful generation. 19.1% of adults have an anxiety related disorder making it the most common mental health diagnosis in America. Young people are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety than older adults, with nearly 50% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 reporting depressive disorder or anxiety symptoms.
In research conducted for The Connected Generation, Barna’s largest-ever study, data show that half of U.S. 18–35-year-olds (49%) expressed anxiety over important decisions and were afraid to fail. Barna also found anxiety about important decisions was widespread in the connected generation (40%), as well as uncertainty about the future (40%), a fear of failure (40%) and a pressure to be successful (36%).Jesus left us peace but so many of us are not living peace filled lives!
What we need to understand from John 14 could be summed up with this statement: Before he peaced out, Jesus put peace in, because there’s no peace out there.
First Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, will give us peace. Jesus even told his disciples it was good for him to leave so that we could receive the Holy Spirit. (John 16:7) We rely on the Holy Spirit to give us peace because, first, he is our comforter. (John 14:15) The Holy Spirit is with us always so we can have peace no matter our circumstance.
Maybe this is a season of transition or challenge for you, God is with you in this moment. You can have peace right here, right now, because God is with you! God will never leave us or forsake us and we can have peace!
The Holy Spirit brings peace also, because he is our guide (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit leads us into God’s plan for our lives. Often young people become obsessed with finding “God’s will for their life”, but we don’t have to be anxious about the future, we just need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8 tells us that the Holy Spirit is also the source of our power, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (CSB) This tells us that we are not victims of the world but we are victors over whatever life may bring. Our enemy may be strong, our future may be uncertain but our God is greater and his power rest within us through his Spirit.
Jesus also tells us something about the peace he gives, “I do not give to you as the world gives.” (John 14:27 CSB) The world’s “peace” is temporary. It relies on, financial stability, popularity, security, control and a laundry list of other things that come and go with the seasons our life goes through.
The story of Job comes to mind when I think of the peace that the world gives. Through Job lost his family, wealth, prominence and even his health Job declares, “ The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21 CSB) Job didn’t have peace in people, possession or position, Job’s peace rested in his God.
Don’t take the peace the world want’s to give you! No matter what your future holds, trust that God is with you and working through his Spirit in you!