Sin Won’t Stick

As we continue our series “New” from the book of Zechariah, we come across an interesting passage in Zechariah chapter three. 

The prophet is given a vision of heaven where Joshua, the High Priest is presented before God by the accuser (Satan). Joshua is robed in dirty garments but quickly is given a new covering to put on. God rebukes the devils accusations and announces that in a coming day all of the iniquity of God’s people will be removed. 

This is God’s desire for us. Not only that we would walk in the cleansing of salvation, through faith in Jesus but that our lives would change as we lay aside the old garments of sin and shame and step into a life following him. God wants to remove our shortcomings and dress us in his grace. 

This is the nature of what Christ has done. Jesus’ finished work on the cross gives us NEW life, freedom from and victory over your sin, and places us in joyful community.

We understand that Zechariahs vision first points to the removal of sin. This is done for us in a moment at salvation. Ephesians 4:22 speaks of it in terms of taking off our former self and being renewed. 

The visuals given to us in Zechariah remind me so much of the story of the prodigal son given by Jesus in the Gospels. This boy who rejected his father, squandered his living and returned home hoping just to be a servant was met with a father who kissed him, showing him honor, gives him a new robe, covering his imperfections, gives him a ring as a symbol of power and throws him a feast celebrating his return to sonship. 

This is the gospel story! God doesn’t just want you to be forgiven for your sins, he wants you to walk away from their bondage and shame! The author of Hebrews encouraged, “let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us,” (Hebrews 12:1) 

You are not covered in your mistakes In Christ, you’re covered in God’s grace! You aren’t names by your failures, in Christ we are called sons and daughters of God. We have been made new Not because of what we’ve done, but because of what Jesus has done for us. 

Finding this freedom then allows us to truly be invited into Christian community. When we experience this grace, it is then that we can rest in Christ and commune with one another. 

The battle with sin has been won and our striving to conquer our sin and shame is finished. This is the beauty of the Christian life, community centered around God’s mercy and grace. 

We are people bought by grace, living in grace, changed by grace and giving grace. The devil knows this and though he can not have you, he will try to convince you, that you are still his. 

Nevertheless we have been justified made right with God and in Christ can lay down the guilt and shame of this world and follow Jesus freely! 

David Carpenter

Kelsey’s Husband, Jesus’ Follower, Student Pastor 👩‍🚀 ,

Sloppy Wet Kiss Truther.


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