If we neglect generosity, it doesn’t matter how good our investment portfolio is; we aren’t being good stewards. God will not bless us in unfaithfulness!
i pledge allegiance
Jesus is an eternal King. If America ended tomorrow, God would still be good. America could crumble in an instant, and God would remain in control.
Don’t settle! Don’t worship earthly kings when you have access to the King of all Kings.
Reflection Connection
For us, our idols are not often statues but more often strongholds. We worship sports, pleasure, entertainment, success, education, family, and many other things. Idols aren’t always carved images but are the things that have carved their spot in our lives in the place where God should be.
Don’t Spoil the Story
This brother missed the moment! He focused on himself, and in doing so, he ended up forgetting his inheritance. He was so focused on the moment that he neglected to consider all that his father would give him.
Level Headed Leadership
Simply, to be the leaders we are called to be we must walk in the spirit as we become the people God has called us to be in EVERY area of our lives.
Lifestyle Leadership
YOU are a leader and as we own and step into the calling of leadership in our lives we must live a life founded on a deep walk with God and outwardly lived for God.
Longterm Leadership
To lead well we must have patience for the journey and ultimately we must rely fully on God for our strength, vision and wisdom!
So Help me God
We are called to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
A place for everyone, And everyone in their purpose.
If we want a real faith, one that follows us every day, we need a faith that is a place for everyone and points everyone to their purpose in Jesus.
Little, Big things
Little, big things in our lives often cost. Daniel gave up what was the best food the world had to offer, Steve Jobs sacrificed convenience. Whether a diet or an iPhone or our lives, when we live with conviction and consistency it pays off.
Just as Steven was a witness for Jesus, so are you and I. The difference is he has finished what God has for him on this earth and we have not. God want’s to use us to be a witness and take his good news to our schools, city and world but we need to understand before Steven preaches Jesus, he follows Jesus. Before he shares the message of Jesus he shares the method of Jesus.
Lovin’ Ain’t Easy
Explore the depths of unconditional love in this captivating blog post from the "More to Love" series. Delve into the story of David and Maphibosheth from 2 Samuel 9, discovering profound lessons on loving the seemingly unlovable. Gain insights on radical love, empathy, and taking action to demonstrate Christ-like compassion in everyday life.
Who do Ya Love?
Love is the confirmation of the work of God in us and the motivation for our service to those within the family of God.
The Road to Restoration
I believe that God will work to restore the brokenness in our lives, if we will trust him and obey him!