So Help me God

When a witness goes to take the stand, or at least in the movies, those on the stand are asked to speak “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” so help them God. 

As followers of Jesus our lives have been placed on the witness stand. Our words are a powerful testimony to what Jesus has done in our lives and our words are of great importance. We need to consider what we speak about most often? How do we speak of others? Does our speech honor God?

As followers of Jesus we are called to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and can do this with God’s help! 

Jesus instructs his followers in Matthew 10 to speak the truth even when it cost them and is unpopular. This isn’t easy for us but following Jesus faithful dictates  we are honest no matter the outcome. This type of integrity is a powerful defense against false accusation. Even Jesus pointed to the evidence of his truthfulness when he was accused falsely by the high priest in John 18.We are called to tell the truth. As followers of Jesus the testimony of our words should be honesty. 

We are also called to point others to Jesus directly with our speech. Jesus encouraged his followers that at times it is God’s plan for us to endure hardship because of our witness for him because it is in those moments that we are presented with the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel intentionally. 

Jesus called himself the truth so for us to speak truthfully we must speak about Jesus. This shouldn’t be forced or contrived but naturally as a reflection of what we spend time dwelling and meditating on. 

As people of the truth we need to be speaking, boldly proclaiming the truth of who Jesus is to the world around us. 

David Carpenter

Kelsey’s Husband, Jesus’ Follower, Student Pastor 👩‍🚀 ,

Sloppy Wet Kiss Truther.


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